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Register _ Enroll _ Swim.png
  • Fill out the Registration Form to create a portal account 

  • Do not select "Enroll in classes" or "Select classes" 

  • The form asks for payment info, but you will NOT be charged until you enroll 

  • You will receive an email when this is complete!

  • Log in to your portal and click "Find Classes"

  • Click "Find Classes for all ages"

  • Click "Add a filter" and select location from the drop down menu.

  • Click on White Lake or Nutimik Lake.

  • You can also filter by "Select Session" and choose the week you want from the drop-down list

  • Once you add a class to cart, check out immediately and click "pay now" as it will not hold the spot in your cart.

  • You'll receive a confirmation that your enrollment was successful!

  • Closer to the session, the office will email with any information you need to know!

  • Reach out to if you need anything!

If you do not see an opening available, correct level or the age range doesn't allow you to enroll, please email please make sure to include in the email; the full name of the swimmer(s), the week(s) you are wanting to swim, the location, and the timeslot. 


If you would like to enroll for a semi-private 2:1 class but don't see any available, enroll for a private 1:1 class in the meantime and then email indicating you would like to enroll for a 2:1 class. 


Swimmers can only be a maximum of one level apart in order to swim in the same class.


Class Duration: 30 minutes, daily, Monday-Friday

Levels: Ready Set Swim Level 1-Ready Set Swim Level 12

Class Sizes: Private 1:1, Semi Private 2:1

DatesWeek 2: July 10- July 14


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